Nigeria - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MICS3 (2007), Nigeria, Third round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-MICS3 2007-v1.2 |
Year | 2007 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics [nbs] - Federal Government of Nigeria |
Sponsor(s) | Fedral Government of Nigeria - FG - Funding United Nation Children Educational Fund - UNICEF - Funding National Bureau of Statistics - NBS - Funding |
Metadata | Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Dec 02, 2013 |
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Data Dictionary
Data File: MICS3 Under 5 Children data
Content | CHILDREN The data collected from the feild based on (1) Information Panel (2) Birth Registration and Early Learning (3) Child Development (4) Vitamin A (5) Breastfeeding (6) Care of Illness (7) Malaria (8) Immunization (9) Anthropometry |
Cases | 17093 |
Variable(s) | 316 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Hh1 (Cluster number), Hh2 (Household number), Ln (Line number) |
Version | Version 1.2 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics |
Missing Data | All missing data were 99 |
Processing Checks | (i) Desk officers at the zonal offices (ii) Trained data editors from the headquarters sent to the zonal offices for data editing during the data entry (iii) Data editing through the zonal offices editors before data entry (iv) Competent data entry staff |
Name | Label | Question | |
Hh1 | Cluster number | Cluster Number : ___ ___ ___ ___ | |
Hh2 | Household number | Household number: ___ ___ ___ | |
Ln | Line number | Line number: ____________ | |
Uf1 | Cluster number | UF1. Cluster Number | |
Uf2 | Household number | UF2. Household number: ___ ___ ___ | |
Uf4 | Child's line number | UF4. Child's Line Number: ___ ___ | |
Uf6 | Caretaker's line number | UF6. Mother's/Caretaker's Line Number: _____ | |
Uf7 | Interviewer number | UF7 Interviewer name and number:___________ | |
Uf8d | Day of interview | UF8. Day of interview: ___ ___ | |
Uf8m | Month of interview | UF8. Month of interview: _______ | |
Uf8y | Year of interview | UF8. Year of interview: _____________ | |
Uf9 | Result of interview for chidren under 5 | UF9. Result of interview for children under 5 Completed 1 Not at home 2 Refused 3 Partly completed 4 Incapacitated 5 Other (specify) 6 | |
Uf10d | Day of birth of child | UF10D NOW I would like to ask you some questions about the health of each child under the age of 5 in your care, who lives with you now. Now I want to ask you about (name). Date of birth: __ __ Day __ __ DK day 98 Month __ __ Year __ __ __ __ | |
Uf10m | Month of birth of child | UF10M NOW I would like to ask you some questions about the health of each child under the age of 5 in your care, who lives with you now. Now I want to ask you about (name). Month of birth:___ ___ Day __ __ DK day 98 Month __ __ Year __ __ __ __ | |
Uf10y | Year of birth of child | UF10Y NOW I would like to ask you some questions about the health of each child under the age of 5 in your care, who lives with you now. Now I want to ask you about (name). Year of birth: __ __ __ __ Day __ __ DK day 98 Month __ __ Year __ __ __ __ | |
Uf11 | Age of child | UF11. How old was (name) at his/her last birthday? Age in completed years __ __ | |
Br1 | Child has birth certificate | BR1. Does (name) have a birth certificate? May I see it? Yes, seen (NPopC Card) 1 Yes, not seen 2 No 3 DK 8 | |
Br2 | Child registered | BR2. Has (name's) birth been registered with the civil authorities? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Br3 | Reason birth not registered | BR3. Why is (name's) birth not registered? Costs too much 1 Must travel too far 2 Did not know it should be registered 3 Does not consider it important 4 Does not know where to register 5 Does not know benefit of registration 6 Other (specify) 7 DK 8 | |
Br4 | Know how to register birth | BR4. Do you know how to register your child's birth? Yes 1 No 2 | |
Br6 | Child attends early childhood education programme | BR6. Does (name) attend any organized learning or early childhood education programme, such as a private or government facility, including kindergarten or community child care? Yes 1 No 2 DK 8 | |
Br7 | Hours attended education in last 7 days | BR7. Within the last seven days, about how many hours did (name) attend? No. of hours __ __ | |
Br8am | Books-mother | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8a. Read books or look at picture books with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Books A B X Y | |
Br8af | Books-father | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8a. Read books or look at picture books with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Books A B X Y | |
Br8ao | Books-other | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8a. Read books or look at picture books with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Books A B X Y | |
Br8an | Books-no one | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8a. Read books or look at picture books with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Books A B X Y | |
Br8bm | Stories-mother | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8b. Tell stories to (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Stories A B X Y | |
Br8bf | Stories-father | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8b. Tell stories to (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Stories A B X Y | |
Br8bo | Stories-other | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8b. Tell stories to (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Stories A B X Y | |
Br8bn | Stories-no one | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8b. Tell stories to (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Stories A B X Y | |
Br8cm | Songs-mother | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8c. Sing songs with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Songs A B X Y | |
Br8cf | Songs-father | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8c. Sing songs with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Songs A B X Y | |
Br8co | Songs-other | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8c. Sing songs with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Songs A B X Y | |
Br8cn | Songs-no one | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8c. Sing songs with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Songs A B X Y | |
Br8dm | Outside-mother | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8d. Take (name) outside the home, compound, yard or enclosure? Activity Mother Father Other No one Take outside A B X Y | |
Br8df | Outside-father | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8d. Take (name) outside the home, compound, yard or enclosure? Activity Mother Father Other No one Take outside A B X Y | |
Br8do | Outside-other | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8d. Take (name) outside the home, compound, yard or enclosure? Activity Mother Father Other No one Take outside A B X Y | |
Br8dn | Outside-no one | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8d. Take (name) outside the home, compound, yard or enclosure? Activity Mother Father Other No one Take outside A B X Y | |
Br8em | Play-mother | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8e. Play with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Play with A B X Y | |
Br8ef | Play-father | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8e. Play with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Play with A B X Y | |
Br8eo | Play-other | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8e. Play with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Play with A B X Y | |
Br8en | Play-no one | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8e. Play with (name)? Activity Mother Father Other No one Play with A B X Y | |
Br8fm | Naming-mother | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8f. Spend time with (name) naming, counting, and/or drawing things? Activity Mother Father Other No one Spend time with A B X Y | |
Br8ff | Naming-father | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8f. Spend time with (name) naming, counting, and/or drawing things? | |
Br8fo | Naming-other | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8f. Spend time with (name) naming, counting, and/or drawing things? | |
Br8fn | Naming-no one | who engaged in this activity with the child - BR8f. Spend time with (name) naming, counting, and/or drawing things? | |
Ce1 | How many books are there in the household | CE1. How many books are there in the household? Please include school books, but not other books meant for children, such as picture books | |
Ce2 | How many children books or picture books do you have for him | CE2 How many children's books or picture books do you have for (name)? | |
Ce3a | Bowls, plate, cups ,pots | Does he/she play with? household objects, such as bowls, plates, cups or pots? | |
Ce3b | Sticks , rocks, animals shells, leaves | Does he/she play with? objects and materials found outside the living quarters, such as sticks, rocks, animals, shells, or leaves? | |
Ce3c | Homemae toys | Does he/she play with? Home made toys, such as dolls, cars and other toys made at home? | |
Ce3d | Toys that came from a store | Does he/she play with? toys that came from a store? | |
Ce3y | No playthings mentioned | Circle Y if child does not play with any of the items mentioned. | |
Ce4 | How many time was he/her left in the care of another child | CE4. Sometimes adults taking care of children have to leave the house to go shopping, wash clothes, or for other reasons and have to leave young children with others. since last (day of the week) how many times was (name) left in the care of another child (that is, someone less than 10 years old)? | |
Ce5 | How many time he was left alone | CE5. In the past week, how many times was (name) left alone? | |
Va1 | Child ever received vitamin a | VA1. Has (name) ever received a vitamin A capsule (supplement) like this one? | |
Va2 | Months ago child took last vitamin a dose | VA2. How many months ago did (name) take the last dose? | |
Va3 | Place child got last vitamin a dose | VA3. Where did (name) get this last dose? | |
Bf1 | Child ever been breastfed | BF1. Has (name) ever been breastfed? | |
Bf2 | Child still being breastfed | BF2. Is he/she still being breastfed? | |
Bf3a | Child received vitamin, mineral supplements or medicine | BF3a. vitamin, mineral supplements or medicine? | |
Bf3b | Child received plain water | BF3a. vitamin, mineral supplements or medicine? | |
Bf3c | Child received sweetened water or juice | BF3c. sweetened, flavoured water or fruit juice or tea or infusion? | |
Bf3d | Child received oral rehydration solution | BF3d. oral rehydration solution (ORS)/Salt Sugar Solution (SSS)? | |
Bf3e | Child received infant formula | BF3e. infant formula? | |
Bf3f | Child received milk | BF3f. tinned, powdered or fresh milk? | |
Bf3g | Child received other liquids | BF3g. any other liquids? | |
Bf3h | Child received solid or mushy food | BF3h. solid or semi-solid (mushy) food? | |
Bf5 | Months of exclusive breastmilk | BF5. Since this time yesterday, how many times did (name) eat solid, semisolid, or soft foods other than liquids? | |
Ca1 | Child had diarrhoea in last 2 weeks | ||
Ca2a | Drank fluid made from special packet (ors) | CA2a. A fluid made from a special packet called ORS packet solution? | |
Ca2b | Government-recommended homemade fluid | CA2b. Government-recommended homemade Salt Sugar Solution (SSS) Fluid? | |
Ca2c | Pre-packaged ors fluid for diarrhoea | CA2c. A pre-packaged ORS fluid for diarrhoea? | |
Ca3 | Child drank less or more during illness | CA3. During (name's) illness, did he/she drink water much less, about the same, or more than usual? | |
Ca4 | Child ate less or more during illness | CA4. During (name's) illness, did he/she eat less, about the same, or more food than usual? | |
Ca4b | Where did you get the ors packet | CA4b. Where did you get the (local name for ORS packet from CA2A)? | |
Ca4c | How much did you pay for the ors | CA4c. How much did you pay for the (Local name for ORS packet from CA2A)? | |
Ca5 | Child ill with cough in last 2 weeks | CA5. has (name) had an illness with a cough at any time in the last two weeks, that is, since (day of the week) of the week before last? | |
Ca6 | Difficulty breathing during illness with cough | CA6. when (name) had an illness with a cough, did he/she breathe faster than usual with short, quick breaths or have difficult breathing? | |
Ca7 | Symptoms due to problem in chest or blocked nose | CA7. Were the symptoms due to a problem in the chest or a blocked nose? | |
Ca8 | Sought advice or teatment for illness | CA8. Did you seek advice or treatment for the illness outside the home? | |
Ca9a | Place sought care: govt hospital | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9b | Place sought care: govt health centre | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9c | Place sought care: govt health post | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9d | Place sought care: village health worker | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9e | Place sought care: mobile/outreach clinic | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9h | Place sought care: other public source | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9i | Place sought care: private hospital/clinic | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9j | Place sought care: private physician | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9k | Place sought care: private pharmacy | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9l | Place sought care: mobile clinic | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9o | Place sought care: other private medical | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9p | Place sought care: relative or friend | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9q | Place sought care: shop | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9r | Place sought care: traditional practitioner | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9s | Place sought care: patent medicine stores | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca9x | Place sought care: other | CA9. From where did you seek care? | |
Ca10 | Given medicine to treat this illness | CA10. Was (name) given medicine to treat this illness? | |
Ca11a | Antibiotic | CA11. What medicine was (name) given? (Circle all medicines given). | |
Ca11p | Pain relievers/analgesics | CA11. What medicine was (name) given? | |
Total variable(s):
316 |