Nigeria - National Nutrition and Health Survey 2015, Third Round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-NNHS-2015-v1.0 |
Year | 2015 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) |
Sponsor(s) | Federal Government of Nigeria - FGN - funding United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - funding United States Agency for International Development - USAID - funding Department for International Development - DFID - funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Dec 21, 2016 |
Last modified | Dec 21, 2016 |
Page views | 176108 |
Downloads | 90373 |
Data Dictionary
Data File: 2015NNHS_Child_Final
Content | This section contains data of the Nutritional and Health status of children under 5 years of age. - MNCHW [coverage, Vitamin A supplementation and deworming coverage]. |
Cases | 20060 |
Variable(s) | 63 |
Version | Version 1.0 (June 2016) |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) |
Missing Data | All Missing data were asterisks(*) |
Processing Checks | All Processing checks were carried out. |
Name | Label | Question | |
startdate | Date data collection conducted | Survey Date | |
zone | Six Geo-political Zones | Zone | |
state | Survey domain | State | |
lga | Local government area | LGA | |
cluster | Cluster number | Cluster number | |
cluster2 | Cluster number | ||
teamnum | Team number | Team ID | |
hhno | Household number | HH No | |
sex | Sex 1=male 2=female | Sex (m=male f=female) | |
chbirth | Child's date of birth | Birth Date | |
chmos | Child's age in months - estimated | Age in months | |
chwt | Weight in kg | Weight (kg) (00.0) | |
chht | Height in cm | Height (cm) (00.0) | |
chedema | Edema 0=no 1=yes | Bilateral Oedema Y=Yes, N=No | |
chmuac | Childs' MUAC | MUAC (mm) (000) Left Arm | |
net | Household ownership of mosquito net o=no 1=yes 8=dk | Does your household have any mosquito nets that can be used while sleeping? (Circle the answer)? 1=Yes 2=No | |
netnum | Number of mosquito nets | If yes (ML01), how many mosquito nets does your household have? (Number of nets) | |
mnchw | MNCHW Awareness 0=No 1=Yes 8=DK | Was there a Maternal Newborn and Child Health Weeks (MNCHW) campaign in the last 6 months 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
mnchwser | Access to MNCHW 0=No 1=Yes 8=DK | If yes (MN01), Did anyone from this household receive any services (such as vitamin A supplementaion) during this MNCHW campaigns? 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
mnchwsite | MNCHW Site 1=HF 2=Outreach 3=HH 4=DK | If yes (MN02), Where did they receive services during the MNCH week campaign? 1=Health facility 2=Other site 3=Some one came to | |
ageyrs | Age in complete years | Age in complete years (if the child is < 1 year of age, write '0') | |
stayed | Person stayed in the HH the previous night 0=no 1=yes | Is he/she spent the previous night in the household? 1=Yes 2=No | |
chdate | Date of birth known 0=no 1=yes | Birth Date | |
chagemonths | Child's age in months - calculated | Age in months (fill only if no birthdate) | |
chmeasure | Measurement 1= Height 2=Length | Measurement H=Height L=Length | |
chvit | Vitamin A 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | Has (name) received a vitamin A dose within the last 6 months? 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
chdeworm | Deworming 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | Has (name) received a deworming tablet within the last 6 months? 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
chanyvacc | Received any vaccination 0=no 1=yes card 2=yes recall 8=dk | Has (name) ever received any vaccination to prevent him/her from getting diseases, includes vaccinations received in a campaign or immunization/child health day? | |
chdpt | Received dpt 0=no 1=yes card 2=yes recall 8=dk | If yes (CH01), has (name) ever received a DTP/ Penta vaccination - that is, an injection in the thigh or buttocks - to prevent him/her from getting tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, hepatitis B, or Haemophilius influenzae type b. | |
chdptx | Number of times dpt/penta received | If yes(CH02), how many times was the DTP/Penta vaccine received? (Number) | |
chmeasl | Received measels 0=no 1=yes card 2=yes recall 8=dk | Has (name) ever received a measles injection - that it that is, a shot in the arm at the age of 9 months or older - to prevent him/her from getting measles? | |
chdiarr | Had diarrhoea 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | In the last two weeks, has (name) had diarrhoea? | |
chors | Received ORS0=no 1=yes 8=dk | If yes (CH05), was (name) given to drink ORS? | |
chzinc | Received Zinc 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | If yes (CH05), was (name) given zinc tablets/ syrup? | |
cough | Had cough 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | In the last two weeks, has (name) had an illness with a cough? | |
rapidcough | Had difficulty breathing 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | If yes (CH08), did (name) breath faster than usual with short, rapid breaths or having difficulty breathing? | |
arirx | Rx given for ARI 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | If yes (CH09), was (name) given any medicine for the illness? | |
air0 | Trype of medcine given for ARI | If yes (CH10), what medcine was (name) given? (use the code & enter all medicines given) | |
arirx1 | Antibiotic Pill or Syrup | Antibiotic- Pill / Syrup | |
arirx2 | Antibiotic Injection | Antibiotic - Injection | |
arirx3 | Anti-Malarial | Anti-Malarial | |
arirx4 | Paracetamol/Panadol/Acetaminphen | Paracetamol/Panadol/Acetaminphen | |
arirx5 | Aspirin | Aspirin | |
arirx6 | Ibuprofen | Ibuprofen | |
arirx96 | Other drugs | Other drugs | |
arirx98 | Don't know | Don't know | |
chnet | Child slept under mosquito net 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | If yes (ML01), did the child (name) sleep under the mosquito net last night? 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
chfever | Had fever 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | In the last two weeks, has (name) been ill with fever at any time? 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
chfevertest | Had RDT 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | If yes (ML04), at any time during the illness, did (name) have blood taken for testing? 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
chfeverrx | Rx given for fever 0=no 1=yes 8=dk | If yes (ML04), was (name) given any medicine for the illness (fever)? 1=Yes 2=No 8=DK | |
fevrx0 | Trype of medcine given | If yes (ML06), what medicine was (name) given? (use the code & enter all medicines given) | |
fevrx1 | SP/ Fansidar | SP/ Fansidar | |
fevrx2 | Chloroquinine | Chloroquinine | |
fevrx3 | Amodiaquine | Amodiaquine | |
fevrx4 | Quinine | Quinine | |
fevrx5 | Artemisinin-based Comb. Therapy (ACT | Artemisinin-based Comb. Therapy (ACT) | |
fevrx6 | Other anti-malarial | Other anti-malarial (specify) | |
fevrx7 | Antibiotic pill/syrup or injection | Antibiotics/other medications | |
fevrx8 | Aspirin, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen | buprofen | |
fevrx96 | Other drugs | Other drugs | |
fevrx98 | Don't Know | Don't Know | |
months | Final months to be used for analysis | ||
sampwgt | |||
Total variable(s):
63 |