Nigeria - Nigeria Living Standard Survey 2003, First round
Reference ID | NGA-NBS-NLSS-2003-v1.2 |
Year | 2003 - 2004 |
Country | Nigeria |
Producer(s) | National Bureau of Statistics - Federal Government of Nigeria |
Sponsor(s) | Federal Government of Nigeria - FGN - Funding World Bank - WB - Funding Department of International Development - DFID - Funding European Union - EU - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF Download DDI Download RDF |
Created on | Oct 18, 2010 |
Last modified | Nov 13, 2018 |
Page views | 1312103 |
Downloads | 68708 |
- Household Roaster fo
r each person - Introductory visit
- Other visit
- General Education
- Educational career
- Literacy and apprent
iceship - Health condition in
the past two weeks - Preventive, health,
vaccination - Postnatal care
- Fertility, prenatal
care, contraceptives - HIVAIDS
- Screeening questions
and list of occupat
ions in the past 12
months - Characteristics of m
ain occupation - Secondary occupation
in the last 12 mont
hs - Third Occupation in
the last 12 months - Fourth occupation in
the last 12 months - Employment search in
the past 12 months - Employment History
- Activity status and
employment search in
the last 7 days - Housekeeping
- Migration 1
- Agric assets, land a
nd livestock - Plot detail
- Harvest and disposal
of crop staple grai
n, field crops and c
ash crops - Harvest and disposal
, root fruits veg an
d crops harvested pi
ecemeal - Seasonality of sales
and purchase - Other agric income,
in cash or kind - Agric cost and expen
ses - Processing of agric
produce - Consumption of own p
roduce, day and mont
h of visit - Consumption of own p
roduction - Non food expenses on
less frequently pur
chased items - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems visits - Household Expenditur
e on Non-food freque
ntly purchased - Non food expenses fr
equently purchased i
tems - Non Farm enterprise,
First enterprise, e
xpenditure - Agic assets, equipme
nt - Assets of first non
farm enterprises - Miscellaneous income
and expenditure - Food expenses days a
nd month of visit - Household Expenditur
e on education - Household expenditur
e on food frequently
purchased - Household Expenditur
e on health - Housing respondent
- Identification of re
spondent for agric a
nd business question
s - Income transfer
- Introduction to tran
sfer payments made b
y household - Social capital and c
ommunity participati
on - Food Expenses
- Total Household Expe
nditure - Basic chracteristics
of non-farm enterpr
ise - Intro to Expenditure
, first enterprise - Non Farm enterprises
, second enterprise,
expenditure - Intro to non farm en
terprise, third ente
rprise, expenditure - Expenditure, Non far
m third enterprise - Assets of second non
farm enterprise - Revenue of Non Farm
enterprise - Credit
- Savings
- Assets and durable g
oods - Transfer payments ma
de by household - Introduction to inco
me transfer and misc
ellaneous income and
expenditure - Household income sch
Data Dictionary
Data File: Housing respondent
Content | The section contains informations on Housing respondent in the household |
Cases | 19158 |
Variable(s) | 44 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Pid (Id of head of household), Caseid (Case identification) |
Version | Version 1.2 |
Producer | National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) |
Missing Data | All missing data were blank |
Processing Checks | Checking of all invalids codes were corrected |
Name | Label | Question | |
State | State of the nation | STATE | |
Sector | Urban or rural | SECTOR | |
Ric | Replicate identification code | RIC | |
Hhno | Household number | HH NO | |
Pid | Id of head of household | HOLDER ID | |
Dwelling | Type of dwelling | Type of Dwelling Single Room.…....1 Apartment/Flat...2 Duplex………….......3 Whole Biding... .4 Other…………........5 (SPECIFY | |
Rooms | How many rooms? | How many Rooms does this Household Occupy? (EXCLUDE BATHROOMS, TOILETS KITCHEN, PANTRY,STORE | |
Hhshare | Other houseold share dwelling | Do Other Households Share this Dwelling with You? Yes =1 No = 2 | |
Livingyr | How long living here (years) | How Long has Your Household been Living in this Dwelling?(years) | |
Livingmth | How long living here (months) | How Long has Your Household been Living in this Dwelling?(months) | |
Tydwell | In what type of dwelling | In what type of Dwelling were you Living Before? | |
Roomsocc | How many rooms occupied | How Many Rooms were Occupied by the Household? | |
Occstatu | Occupancy status | What is your Present Occupancy Status? Dwelling Owned by Head…………....1 Dwelling Owned by Spouse………...2 Owned by Head and Spouse……....3 Household Rents the Dwelling..4 Pays Nominal/Subsidized Rent….5 Uses Without Paying Rent………...6 Nomadic/Temporal Housing….…...7 | |
Rent | From who do you rent | From Whom do you Rent the Dwelling? Relative…….........1 Private Employer…..2 Govt………............3 Priv. Indiv.or Agency……..4 Other……….................5 (SPECIFY) | |
Casrent | How much paid in cash for rent | How Much does the Household Pay in Cash for the Rent? Daily………..1 Weekly……..2 Monthly…….3 Quarterly…..4 Half Yearly…5 Yearly………6 | |
Rentpay | Time unit of rent payment | TIME UNIT | |
Gdsrent | Does the household supply goods and services in exchange for rent | Does the Household Supply Goods or Services in Exchange for the Dwelling? Yes..1 No…..2 | |
Valgd | What is the value of the goods and services | what is the Appropriate Value of these goods and Services? (IF RENT FREE PUT ZERO) | |
Timeun | Time unit | TIME UNIT | |
Paidps | Is part of the rent paid by another person (non household member) | Is Part of the Rent Paid by Someone who is not a Household Member Yes =1 No = 2 | |
Whpd | Who pays the rent | Who Pays the rent? Relative……..........1 Private Employer.…..2 Government..........3 Private Individual/ Agency……...........4 Other………...........5 (SPECIFY) | |
Conpai | How much spent on cosntruction and painting | How Much did you spend for Construction and Painting in the Last 12MTS? | |
Driwater | Drinking water | What is the main source of Drinking water for this household? Pipe Borne water Treated……...1 Pipe Borne Untreated…….….....2 Borehole/Handpump…….…….......3 Protected Well……………….….......4 Unprotected Well/Rain water..5 River, Lake or Pond…………......6 Vendor, Truck………………….........7 Other…………………………….............8 (SPECIFY) | |
Distdrink | Distance to drinking water | What is the distance to Source of water for your household? In Dwelling...........1 Within 500 metres…...…2 500 metres to 1 Km……….3 1 Km or More……….......4 | |
Sharebill | Pay or share regular water bill | Do you pay or share a regular bill from the water company? Yes…..1 No…..…2 | |
Lastbill | How much was last water bill | How much was your last water bill? (ONLY YOUR PORTION IF SHARED WATER BILL) Daily………….….1 Weekly…………..2 Monthly………….3 Quarterly………4 Half Yearly…5 Yearly…………….6 | |
Timeunit | Time units | TIME UNIT | |
Waterven | How much paid to a water vendor | How much have you paid to a private water vendor in the last 2weeks? | |
Sellwater | Sell water | Did you sell water to anyone else? Yes….1 No….…2 | |
Incwater | Income from water sales | How much did you receive for water sold in the last 2weeks? | |
Sourlight | Main source of lighting | What is the main source of lighting for your dwelling? Kerosine……….1 Gas……..………..2 MainsElectricity……...3 Electricity fromGenerator……...4 Battery……..…..................5 Candles………....................6 Firewood………....7 Other…………......8 (SPECIFY | |
Electbill | Amount of last electric bill | How Much was your last bill? (IF SHARD, GIVE ONLY YOUR PORTION) Daily……….....1 Weekly…….....2 Monthly……....3 Quarterly…...4 Half Yearly….5 Yearly………....6 | |
Tiemun | Time unit | TIME UNIT | |
Maincook | Main source of fuel for cooking | What is the main fuel used by the household for cooking? Firewood……...1 Charcoal….…..2 Kerosine/oil…3 Gas…………….....4 Electricity……5 Crop Residue or Sawdust…..6 Animal Waste……….....7 Other…………8 (SPECIFY) | |
Refuse | Refuse collection | What kind of refuse collection is used by your household? Collected by Gov’t………….....1 Collected by Private firm….2 Gov’t Bin……................3 Disposal withincompound…...4 Unauthorized Heap…………......5 Other…………..................6 (SPECIFY) | |
Amtpd | Amount paid for refuse collection | How much does your household pay for refuse collection? Daily……….…....1 Weekly……….....2 Monthly………....3 Quarterly……...4 Half Yearly…….5 Yearly…………....6 | |
Timunit | Time unit | TIME UNIT | |
Tytoilet | Type of toilet | What type of toilet is used by your household? None………................1 Toilet on water……….....2 Flush to sewer………......3 Flush to septic tank…….4 Pail/bucket…...........5 Covered pit latrine……….6 Uncovered Pit latrine..7 VIP Latrine…...........8 Other…………..............9 | |
Matewall | Material of outside wall | Main Construction material of outside walls. Mud…………..…....1 Stone………….....2 Burnt Bricks..3 Cement or Concrete...4 Wood or Bamboo…….…...5 Iron Sheets….….......6 Cardboard……….........7 Other……………...........8 (SPECIFY | |
Mainfloor | Main flooring material | Main flooring Materials. Earth or Mud……...1 Wood or Tile……...2 Plank………………......3 Concrete………….....4 Dirt/Straw…………...5 Other (SPECIFY)….6 | |
Mainroof | Main roofing material | Main Roofing Materials. Mud/Mud Bricks……........1 Thatch (Grass or straw).2 Wood/Bamboo……...........3 Corrugated Iron Sheets….4 Cement/Concrete…........5 Roofing Tiles………........6 Other (SPECIFY)…........7 | |
Meashh | Measurement of household | MEASUREMENTS TAKEN Inside……..1 Outside………2 | |
Struct | Area of structure in square meters | CALCULATE AREA IN SQUARE METRES | |
Total variable(s):
44 |